Home Mystic Professional Organizer

A Holistic Approach to Home Decluttering & Organizing

My Approach

Holistic is the practice of looking at the whole picture to identify the cause of a problem.

When it comes to clutter and disorganization, there are many factors to consider:

  • The inhabitants, their available resources, health, habits and time management skills.

  • The home, its layout, ineffective systems, and all around usability and “flow” of the space.

  • The possessions, type of accumulation, and the motives behind acquiring and keeping.

By acknowledging and respecting the people, their treasured possessions, and the space itself, we can curate a home that is usable, peaceful and balanced.

A Little About Me

Greetings. My name is Jamie and I’m a Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon, and Gemini Rising. I was raised in Arizona by old school, new age hippies who taught me to appreciate people, cultures and biodiversity

At the age of 20, I moved to Baraboo where I fell in love with the seasons, met wonderful people, and discovered interesting hobbies. After 16 years, I still call Baraboo home.

My home organizing and decluttering journey only began in 2017. As an adult with a late ADHD diagnosis, I only recently began to understand why “easy” things were so freaking difficult. Learning to recognize my short comings and restrictions allowed me room to create systems that worked with me and my brain.

After studying and practicing multiple “right” ways to declutter and organize, I learned that the right way is all bout the person and not the method. Spaces and systems need to be customized to work with the inhabitants, not the other way around.

Long story short, I combined my introspective nature, enjoyment of sorting, and my spiritual practices to design a home organizing method that respects the person, the place, and things.

Learn about our services

  • Whether you’re moving to a smaller location, blending families, or just ready to purge, you might want some help. A compassionate voice of reason who will handle your home with respect and discretion makes for easier transitions.

  • Common areas that struggle to find order are craft rooms, closets, mudrooms, kitchens, and playrooms. Some people struggle with their clothes, others with paper. If it’s one particular corner or your whole home, we can work together to remedy the problem.

  • Each space and each person are unique and their abilities and energy needs vary. We can work together to curate space that flows with you and meets your needs. How deep you want to take this service is entirely up to you.

  • Hiring a professional organizer is not only a luxury item, I can be approached as an investment. During a coaching session, I’ll get you started, give you a game plan, and assign you homework so you can continue the process on your own.

Located in Baraboo, serving all of Sauk County.

Phone, Zoom, and in-person consultations are available.

Serving Sauk County


“In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself”

—Deepak Chopra